A Break For Now and Now Addicted to Pasta

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xarockolipsekittenx's avatar
The Weather has been so horrid lately I feel i'm catching something; It's been Nothing but hail, rain and thunder around here with high winds it's put me in a  mood I'm either watching the crap out of my dark movies for dark and stormy nights/ days or watching creepy pasta though i really shouldn't. Relief in the spoofs of GWARS is always a chipper thing. I have a break from school now thankfully works been working me hardly at all or I need to check to see if my internal organs are still in order from excessive pounding. It's been hard concentrating let alone standing after a while.

I've been trying to distract myself by practicing on Lordi and his crew. I'm getting good but Lordi and Kita remain bears. Shingles, Vince and reboot of Pykries is also on the rise. In Vinces case particularly his vidual anti suit that resembles a cross of Vincint Rupert Kronens and Abs. Pykeris has been put on such a back burner in story and development I'm surprised he hasn't taken and shaken me when I'm sleeping asking why have you forgotten me?!  He's pretty much free to float about with lines but it seemed interesting to tie him into Vince's since A he hasn't been in a story since my Sorcerers Daughter fell apart unfinished and B being a devil he can do what the hell he wants. He's been around watching humans for a long time before they discovered "magic". 

Lordi has had a least a total of eight members not including himself. Kalama, the bass position for a while before Ox  was out of the picture by 2004 before the production of Dark Floors in 2008 . I just bought the DVD and have written a long over due review. This is back tracking but I wasn't aware Lordi was an actual band and had various members since 1996. Kalama would have been killer in Dark Floors as a Mist Specter/ Ghoul as we speak I'm bettering sketching him as such. No, No, No! No taking Ox out leaving him in. I personally believe a tail and an absence of his jacket would have improved his appearance along with a heavier chain around his neck. Ironically after watching Kikashi and Ram' Mahangen (Ram) was invented. Ram has a bit of Hellboy mixed in. Kikashi is the result of going entirely off him and adding the aspect of him having a drunken night stand with some Necromanic Taurens. This is why both have skull markings on their faces however Rams more skull like in structure as well and well you don't want him staring at you too long when he's in a mood, your brains may boil out. (It's suggested offering IHOP's entire stock of Pancakes and or waffles may improve your circumstances.)

In light of purchasing and Reviewing Insidious as well I'm going to do some amusing doodles on Insidious Try Outs; how Lippy got the part in the first place, Vertically challenged Lippy picking at Pag because he's verticly challenged and such. Insidious try outs will take a bit as i'll try my comicing skills and try not to die laughing as part of the cast Lippy, Kresil, Pagloz and Darth Maull in disguise XD Kresil is to be touched on later I need to put that entity on paper o.O 

Link for review: demonguardian.livejournal.com
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